Instagram How to Log Out

Instagram How to Log Out: Instagram has a free mobile app which was created in October 2010, since the creation of the app, it was not again necessary to log out of your account since the application is only meant for one user only. 

But there are situations where you could want to login into an entirely different account which is not your personal account with your Instagram app, here it will be advised to first log out of your account before you now login into the other account.

So since you are not used to logging out of your Instagram account, here are the steps that can be taken to log out of an Instagram account;
  • Open your Instagram app
  • Visit your instagram profile page
  • Click on the three vertical dots at the top corner of the profile page
  • Then select the “edit page” link
  • Scroll down the pop-up menu and then select “log out”
And that’s all, isn’t it simple?

So now you can log out of your account anytime you feel like but all you need to be sure of is your login details, if in case you can’t remember your password, you will have to reset it using your registered email address. So make sure you are 100% sure of your username and password before you take the step of logging out of your Instagram account else, you might not be able to login again.

I hope this article has helped you log out of your account? Kindly share this to all your contacts by tapping on the share button below.

Instagram How to Log Out Instagram How to Log Out Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 12:31 Rating: 5

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