Signup With Ease On Facebook

Signup With Ease On Facebook: One of the basic requirements of signing up on Facebook is an email address, without this Facebook can allow you to temporarily use your mobile phone number but with time demand you change to email account for security purposes.

  1. With your PC or mobile internet browser, visit
  2. Click on the signup option
  3. Fill in your name, email or phone number, password and your date of birth into the box provided for each, then check if you are male or female.
  4. Note that Facebook passwords are case sensitive and is advices to be mixture of alphabets, digits and symbols for high security purposes, it should also be combinations you can easily remember and not complex words.
  5. Then click register account.
Read: How to Login to Facebook English Page

Now you have a Facebook account with 0 friends but remember Facebook is all about friends. To get friends, input your email and password into the box provided, then click "find friends", Facebook will automatically search for your friends attach to the email and displays them as suggested friends, then you will have to choose those to send a request.


After getting few friends, you will be asked to input some information about you to form your Facebook profile, such information include; name of high school and college/university you are currently attending or attended, your place of work, where you live and so on. With all this information dropped, click “save and continue".

Here, you are to upload a picture from your files or take a photo with the camera, this act as your profile picture displayed alongside your name to friends. It also act as identification in cases where you are not the only person using your profile name.


After perfecting your profile, you will have to confirm your email account to verify if truely it's yours, now login to your email account and open the mail sent by Facebook, click on "confirm now", then the link will automatically open your Facebook account. This means your email account has being verified.


When you close your browser, Facebook automatically log you out, to login again
  1. Visit
  2. Input your email/phone number in the space provided
  3. Carefully in your password, remember it is case sensitive
  4. Click login.
Now you can enjoy connecting with your buddies all over the world while in the comfort of your room. I hope the article has helped to teach you how to sign up on Facebook with ease.

Signup With Ease On Facebook Signup With Ease On Facebook Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 17:42 Rating: 5

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