How to Verify My Instagram Account

How to Verify My Instagram Account: Many Instagram users have being craving to get a verification on their Instagram account for years of using the platform but still can’t get any. Sadly, Instagram only give certain users verification due to reasons of their popularity and ability to pull lots of crowd, the procedure for selecting accounts to be verified is strictly Instagram based, it cannot be manipulated or bypassed with the use of any application. But there are some things you can do in order to get your account recognized by Instagram so it can be verified. The things you can do on your account include;

1. Get enough followers: though getting enough followers on Instagram is not an easy job, you can engage in various online activities in order to get more follower. Such activity include;

a. Using relevant hashtags, popular hashtags and most importantly trending hashtags. This is necessary because it shows your post to a large number of Instagram users using such Hashtags and they may in turn follow you. Example of Hashtags include #love, #instagram, #instalike, #instafollow #follow4follow etc.

b. Interact with other Instagram users, this is the most effective ways to get more followers on Instagram. by liking and adding comments to other users Instagram post, this will attract more followers to your account, you can frequently post meaningful pictures and tag popular people so it can gain more viewers. You can also ask poll questions so other users can answer and follow you.

c. Add your Instagram link or URL on other social media platforms, you can link your Instagram account with your Facebook and Twitter accounts, so that all the pictures or videos posted on Instagram can reflect on the two sites, this will enable your Twitter and Facebook friends follow you on Instagram.

d. Post in the appropriate time, study as shown that pictures posted around 2am and 5pm always has the most likes, this is because people tend to visit the Instagram page around those time.

e. Make your Instagram Bio attractive. Make sure your biography is authentic and contains things that will attract more viewers into your profile

2. Avoid unfavorable acts such as

a. Acquiring followers with illegal means; many apps and sites have offered various paid ways to acquire more Instagram followers, this is illegal and should not be practiced if you intend to get your account verified. Make sure all this spam message directed towards your account is deleted, so Instagram won’t think you actually used it.

b. Review and adhere to Instagram policies; make sure you strictly obey Instagram rules and regulations, don’t break any policy, read all the requirements and standards very carefully, some of the rules include;
i. Avoid rude content or nudity pictures
ii. Do not post anything unlawful.
iii. Leave considerate, meaningful comments on other people's blog posts. 

I hope you’ve understood how you can get your Instagram account verified, please share this article with your friends.
How to Verify My Instagram Account How to Verify My Instagram Account Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 11:29 Rating: 5

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