Facebook Business Account – Create FB Business Account

Facebook Business Account

You should definitely know by now that you should have a Facebook Business Account. if you have been a Facebook user for quite a while, Then you should know that billions of users are currently making use of Facebook. and with this fact, it is one very important platform that marketers and business owners should never ignore and throw away, as it helps their business reach billions of people around them and all over the world. And the real fact here is that, making use of Facebook actually facilitates the process of your business and its products getting to others, and this could help to improve the sales of your products, and the awareness of your brand.

Now here’s how the Facebook Business Account works. There is actually no separate or different Facebook Business Account. you have to create a standard Facebook account first, and after that, you have to set up a business page right within your Facebook account. yes, that’s how it works. After you have created your standard account, then you can have access to set up this page for the purpose of showcasing and advertising your business or brand online.
Create Your Facebook Account – Facebook Business Account

Creating this Facebook account is the gateway to creating your business page, and that is what is referred to as the Facebook Business Account. So now you understand that there is no separate business account or a personal and business account. You create your Facebook account and within that Facebook account, you create your business page. That’s how it works! Here’s how to create a Facebook account.

You have to visit the Facebook website on www.facebook.com.
Provide the given information on the page. Fill in the spaces with your first name and surname.
You also have to provide an active email address or your phone number.
Enter a password for your Facebook account.
Select your gender – male or female.

And that is it. After you have clicked on SIGN UP, you will be referred to few on-screen instructions. Once you are done, your new Facebook account will be open.
How to Log in To Your Facebook Account – Facebook Business Account

Logging to your Facebook account gives you access to your Facebook. Now you have created your Facebook account, however, you have to log in to make use of your account. once you get to log in, you can now create your business page. And that is how you get your Facebook Business Account. here’s how to log in to get started.
You can log in by going to the Facebook website on www.facebook.com.
Enter your phone number or email address.
Enter your password.
How to Create Your Facebook Business Account

Now you have your Facebook account, you can now move on to setting it up as your Facebook Business Account. and for you to do this, you have to create a Facebook page meant for your business. So, without much ado, let’s see how you can get your Facebook Business Account by getting your Facebook page.
Log in to your Facebook account.
On your account home page, click on CREATE.
Next, you have to select PAGE.
Select the category of the page you would like to open – the categories are Business or Brand and Public Figure or Community.
Tap the GET STARTED button.
Enter the name of your page, the category, and CONTINUE.
You will also be prompted to add your address.
You can also upload the cover and profile photo for your Facebook business page.
After that, you can begin to explore your page.
Type in a brief description about your business and the page.
Create your page username.
Set up every other necessary detail and you are set to begin!
Now you can begin to create share posts, photos, or videos of your business, brand, your products or items that you have on sale.

And now you have your Facebook Business Account! you can now engage your business and your products on your Facebook business page. If you have items on sale, then you can post them on your Facebook page. And if you want to advertise your business, brand or profession, you can also make use of your Facebook business page.
Facebook Business Account – Create FB Business Account Facebook Business Account – Create FB Business Account Reviewed by A.EJE on 19:55 Rating: 5

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