Facebook Store Reviews – What Is a Facebook Store?

Are you looking for a way to set up a facebook store but first you are looking out for Facebook store reviews to see if it is the best thing for your business. You have all the right to know so as to be sure of what you are getting yourself into. In this article, you will find answers to all the questions you have regarding the platform and trust me when I tell you that using Facebook to set up tour online store is an efficient way to push your brands and products.

This is no surprise as facebook is the largest social media platform. But just in case you are new to facebook stores and you don’t know what we mean by facebook store reviews, facebook store reviews are more like facebook store examples. For you to know a better understanding of this you need to know what a facebook store is
What Is a Facebook Store?

A facebook store is a page on facebook where you can directly sell your products on facebook efficiently and conveniently. Using facebook to sell your products has lots of benefits. You will get your products to a wider range of audience when using facebook to sell your products.

Just in case you are wondering why you should use facebook stores, take a look at this instance. Facebook is a platform with over two billion active users weekly. Taking a look at the stats above that’s way too many potential customers and clients to want to turn way. Setting up a facebookstore or shop is totally worth it.
Ways to Set Up and Sell on Facebook Stores

If you are thinking of setting up a facebook store and start selling it is important you know this. There are two ways to set up your facebook store and to start selling. You can either set up your store or shop on the facebook platform or you can set up your store on an external ecommerce platform and link or integrate it with facebook.

Using either of the two ways to set up a facebook store is great, but the two platforms are different. They have their own benefits and advantages. In some cases it is better to use an external ecommerce platform to sell on facebook. You get access to more facebook store features when using an external commerce platform. The thing is that it is not free to use. You will be prompted to pay a token or a subscription fee when using this option.

Making use of facebook to set up your store on the other hand is free. This option is more basic and simple. You will get access to limited options when using this option though.
How to Set Up a Facebook Store

Like I have established, there are two ways through which users can set up a facebook online store. You can either set it up with facebook or via an external online ecommerce platform. I will be putting you through on how to set it up on facebook though. To set up a facebook store, follow the steps below;
On your facebook page.
Click on the add section tab under the facebook page cover photo.
On the next page click on the add shop section
Start setting up your shop details on the next page.
Configure your shop payment options.
Now start adding products to your shop or store.
You will have to complete your shop settings and configure your shipping options also.
Lastly manage your shop orders.

To set up an online shop on an external ecommerce platform, all you have to do is visit the ecommerce platform like ecwid and shopify and set up your shop. After setting up your shop link it to facebook so as to sell on facebook successfully.
Facebook Store Reviews – What Is a Facebook Store?  Facebook Store Reviews – What Is a Facebook Store? Reviewed by A.EJE on 02:00 Rating: 5

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