How to Create a Facebook Store For Free

Do you want to learn and know how to create a Facebook store for free? If this is what you want then follow me on this article to the end. If you do not know of online stores, then you still have a long way to go. It’s not enough to have products. Because it is everyone’s dream to quickly sell off products in hand so as to restock. But there are sometimes hindrances in place. According to a survey, the best places to sell your products is online. Do you want to know the reason for this, well if you want to, find out below.

The internet has been a revelation since it was created. It has been in sensational form. Everybody wants to make use of it. Over half the world is now making use of the internet for one reason or the other. One of the best products of the internet is the social media platforms.

With these social media platforms everything and anything that can be done on the internet can be done. Before I digress much let’s not forget the topic of today. The only reason for the jibber jabber is that the internet, facebook and the topic for today are all related. There is a connection. The facebook store is a form of an online store.

And nowadays due to the rush in and around the internet the cost of setting up an online store is expensive. Although there are some platforms that charge less, the ones that charge nothing are few. And facebook is one of the few platforms that charge nothing in creating a store with their platform. In fact facebook is the only platform that I know of.
What Is a Facebook Store?

A facebook store is a facebook page where you can buy and sell directly to facebook users. This is a facebook feature and it is one of the best. Many facebook users have frequently asked the question, if setting a facebook store is free? Like I have established in the beginning of this article, it costs absolutely nothing to set up a facebook store. All you need to do is to be an active facebook user. With this facebook feature facebook users can shop and get the products delivered to them all from the comforts of their homes.
How to Set Up a Facebook Store For Free

This is easy. But before you can set up a facebook store you need to have a facebook page or at least be an admin of a facebook page to set up a facebook store for free. If you do not have a facebook page you can set up one at To set up a facebook store follow the steps below;
just below your pages cover photo you will find an add section tab, click on it
On the next page click on the ‘add a store’ tab.
You will have to follow the on screen options from the next page to successfully set up your facebook page.

When you are done setting up the page click on the finish tab. that’s all you need to successfully set up a facebook store.

TAGGED Facebook Account, facebook business, Facebook Buy and Sell groups,Facebook Log in, Facebook Marketplace, facebook shops, Facebook Sign Up, facebook stores, How to Create a Facebook Store For Free.
How to Create a Facebook Store For Free  How to Create a Facebook Store For Free Reviewed by A.EJE on 00:25 Rating: 5

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