Facebook Store UK – Create a Facebook Store in The UK

What do you know about the Facebook store UK? I bet you do not know much about it. Do you even know if Facebook in the UK has a shop or store feature? Just to be on the safer side, facebook in the UK has a shop feature. Facebook across the world in all regions and countries has a shop or store feature associated with it. If you are in the UK and you do not know of the store feature of facebook. You have nothing to worry about as I will be telling you all you need to know of the facebook store feature.

The facebook store or shop feature is an ecommerce platform just like every other ecommerce platform. This is because facebook can only be accessed on the web and online. The facebook store is a place or page on facebook where facebook users can easily buy and sell directly on the facebook platform. It is a great way to actively and effectively boost your brands and products.

What You Need To Create a Facebook Store in the UK

For you to create a facebook shop or store your brand or business need to have a presence on the social media platform. You need to create a facebook page for your brand on facebook. If your brand does not have a facebook page then you cannot set up store. To set a facebook page for your brand go to www.facebook.com/page. On this platform you can successfully create a facebook page for your brand. Once this is done and ready you can now proceed to creating a facebook store.
How to Create a Facebook Store in the UK

Setting up a shop in the UK is easy. Although it is easy you still need to know how to do this. If you do not know to set up a facebook shop in the UK all you need to do is to follow the steps I will be giving out. Once you have gotten all the items required to set up a shop, follow the steps below. Below is a well detailed step and guide on how to create a facebook store.
Visit your facebook page.
On your facebook page click on the ‘add a section tab’ under the cover photo.
Next click on the ‘add a shop section’ on the next page.
Set up your shops details like name and others.
Set up your payment options. You will have to link your bank account on this step.
Start adding products to your store or shop.
Set up your shipping options and your store settings.
Manage your orders.

That’s all you need to set up a facebook store in the UK. But remember you need to follow the steps accordingly and carefully.
Facebook Store UK – Create a Facebook Store in The UK  Facebook Store UK – Create a Facebook Store in The UK Reviewed by A.EJE on 01:35 Rating: 5

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