Search Facebook Marketplace – Creating a Facebook Account

Search Marketplace Facebook

Searching Facebook marketplace is a major necessity you need time to time especially when you need to find an item to buy. The search marketplace Facebook is a very important tool put in place for you to easily find items to buy. The marketplace platform, in case you don’t know, is a platform you can use to at ease buy and sell items. As a matter of fact, the Facebook marketplace is now recognized as one of the many buying and selling platforms worldwide.

However everything about Facebook is all linked to a Facebook account as it serves as a means of entry into the platform at large. The Facebook marketplace being one of so many platforms also has so many advantages but is restricted to some audience. You can learn more about this by visiting the Facebook help center. I guess we are starting with creating a Facebook account.
Creating a Facebook Account

Creating a Facebook account can be one of the best things that have happened to you. With a Facebook account, you can easily add friends and keep a text conversation with them for free. To create a Facebook account;
Visit the officially known Facebook official website at
When creating a new account, you will have to make sure no account is logged in. So if any account is logged in, you will have to log it out.
Now that I believe you are successfully on the Facebook homepage, click on the icon indicating you should create a new account.
From the new webpage of which you are redirected to, add the information you wish to use to create the account and click on continue.
Add you contact information on the next page and confirm it by completing the challenge you are given.

That is it for creating a Facebook account. You can now begin with how to search Facebook marketplace for items.

How to Access the Facebook Marketplace

As I would like to explain to you, the Facebook marketplace is entirely free to use and you will not e charged what so ever.
Now go to the officially known Facebook website/webpage at and login your account. You can easily login your account by adding your login credential to the boxes indicated on the Facebook homepage and clicking on the login button.
The moment you are on your account newsfeed, locate the left widget section and click on marketplace from there. However you should note that if you are using a Facebook app, you will have to click on the menu icon first.
In most cases, you might have problems accessing the Facebook marketplace. In case you are having problems with that or do not find the marketplace link, then use this URL ( If the URL takes you to a page displaying an error message, it means you are not yet eligible to access the Facebook marketplace.

There you have it; a simple step for you to easily access the Facebook marketplace. But before that, you should also bear in mind that you need to have an active data subscription for you to use the platform.
How to Search Facebook Marketplace

Searching Facebook marketplace is not difficult the moment you are on the Facebook marketplace. To do this;
Go to the official Facebook marketplace using the steps above.
On the homepage of the Facebook marketplace, click on the search bar at the top of the screen.
Now key In your search term and click on the “search” or “go” icon.

Now I believe you can access ad search the Facebook marketplace with ease.
Search Facebook Marketplace – Creating a Facebook Account Search Facebook Marketplace – Creating a Facebook Account Reviewed by A.EJE on 19:40 Rating: 5

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