How to Sell On Facebook Store – Facebook Shops

Do you know how to sell on facebook store? This is a problem that most Facebook users have battled with over the years since the facebook store platform was introduced. According to a survey as to why many Facebook users haven’t started making use of the platform, it all boils down to uncertainties they have towards the platform.

These uncertainties include store fees and how they could sell on the platform. I will be giving out answers to all these uncertainties in the course of this article. But before you would want to sell on the facebook store platform you should have already known or gotten an idea of what the facebook store really is. And you should also know how to set up a facebook store on your own by now. But if you don’t have a clue on the two things above, I will be telling everything you need to know about them
What Is a Facebook Store?

A facebook store is a page on facebook where facebook users can easily sell their products to other facebook users on the platform. Users cannot only sell on facebook stores, facebook users can also shop on facebook stores easily and conveniently from their homes.

If you want to set up a facebook store know that you need a facebook page for your goods and products. If you do not have a facebook page, you need to create a facebook page and add the store and shop section tab to it. This is because without the facebook page you cannot get access to the facebook store. To create a facebook page go to on your device to set up or create a facebook store.

There are reasons why people love the facebook store. It is one of the few platforms where you can actually set up an online store for free and still get access to most of the features other online platforms have. The major difference here is that with facebook creation of your facebook store is free. You also get access to lots of potential clients and customers on the platform.
How to Set Up a Facebook Store

To set up a facebook store is easy but only if you have the technical know-how knowledge to do it. If you do not know how to set up a facebook store follow the steps below;
On your facebook page click on the add section tab underneath your pages cover photo.
On the next page you also will need to click on the add shop tab.
Follow the on screen instructions to successfully create your facebook store.

When you are setting up the whole store, click on finish.
How to Sell Your Products On Your

This is easy. You do not need any type of expertise to sell on facebook stores. When setting up your facebook store you will have to add your products to the store. when your store get visited by a potential buyer he or she get s to click the shop icon or tab next to an item depending on how the store is set up. Immediately the seller of that item will be notified of the buyer. The buyer and the seller now have to negotiate on transactions. That’s all.
How to Sell On Facebook Store – Facebook Shops How to Sell On Facebook Store – Facebook Shops Reviewed by A.EJE on 00:15 Rating: 5

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