How to Set Up a Facebook Store – Facebook Stores

Do you want to know how to set up a Facebook store? Hello there, I know of a way through which you can push and drive your sales online. It is called the Facebook store. Do you know what this facebook store is all about? Have you ever heard of it?

If you have products and are looking for a means to sell your products and you don’t know of this feature, then today is your lucky day. I will be telling you all you need to know about the facebook store.
What Is the Facebook Store?

The Facebook store is a page or a place in facebook where you can sell your products directly to other facebook users. You can also buy products from these facebook stores as a facebook user conveniently and from the comfort of your home.

This is a feature of the facebook platform. Facebook always come up with ways to keep their users and customers satisfied and hooked up to the platform. With this facebook store feature facebook users can shop at anytime and anywhere on facebook without having to leave the facebookplatform.
What to Sell and Buy on the Facebook Store Platform

You can buy and sell just about anything on the facebook store platform. if you are looking for a house to buy you can get it from the Facebook stores. if you have clothes you can sell them on the facebook store. You can get phones and cars to buy from Facebook stores.

Anything and everything can be sold and bought here as long as it is in terms with the facebook community standards. Although you can sell and buy anything here you cannot get things that go against facebook community standards. These things may include weapons like fire arms and also X-rated items and products.
How to Set Up a Facebook Store

This is easy only if you follow the steps accordingly. if you do not the steps follow the steps below. But know that you need to have a facebook page to accomplish this. f you do not have a facebook page create one today at
On your facebook page click on the add section tab under the facebook page cover photo.
On the next page click on the ‘add a store’ section.
Follow the on screen instructions to successfully create a facebook store.

That’s all you need to create a Facebook store and shop.
How to Set Up a Facebook Store – Facebook Stores  How to Set Up a Facebook Store – Facebook Stores Reviewed by A.EJE on 00:05 Rating: 5

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