Facebook Store Page – How to Access Facebook Store

Are you an entrepreneur and using Facebook to push your brands and products? Does your brand have a Facebook store page? Facebook is now the hottest platform when it comes to social media marketing. It is no surprise that most businesses are now making use of Facebook to push their businesses. If you haven’t done this ten you are lagging behind.

The facebook platform is the largest and most visited social media platform in the world. Over half the world’s population makes use of the internet on a regular base. And that same number is making use of social media platforms. A substantial number of the stats above are making use of facebook. Statistics have recently shown that a lot of time is being spent on the internet and mostly on social medial platforms.

Most marketers have seen this stat and are therefore taking advantage of it. it is the right move and step to take if you are an entrepreneur. so therefore with everything I have been saying, if you know you are not yet making use of this feature its high time you start making use of it.

How to Access the Facebook Store Page

The thing is that before you can get access to setting up a facebook store you need to have a facebook page or at least be a facebook page admin. But if you just want to access this feature to make purchases you don’t need to have a facebook page, all you need to do is to locate a facebook page with a store feature.
Relationship between a Facebook Store and a Facebook Page

I know might already be curious as to the relationship between a facebook page and store. The relationship is this. You can only access a facebook store through a facebook page. The above simply means without a facebook page there is no facebook store.

A facebook store page on the other hand is more like your brand page. Here your clients and customers get update on items and what’s new on your store. That’s the thing with the facebook store page.
How to Create a Facebook Store

To create a Facebook store follow the steps below;
On your facebook page click on the add section tab under the cover photo.
Click on add shop section on the next page.
next you will have to set up your store details like your store name and others.
Set up your payment options.
Start adding products to your shop.
Set your shipping settings
Manage your orders.

That’s all you need to set up a Facebook shop or store.
Facebook Store Page – How to Access Facebook Store  Facebook Store Page – How to Access Facebook Store Reviewed by A.EJE on 02:20 Rating: 5

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