Facebook Store PayPal – Set Up a Facebook Store

Do you know what a facebook store PayPal is? If you don’t know I endure you to follow me up on this content to get the necessary knowledge you need regarding the topic above.

The topic above is just a highlight of the relationship a Facebook store has with PayPal. Those who have Facebook stores or have made use of Facebook stores feature previously have a better chance of understanding. This is because of the history they already have with the platform. But if you haven’t made use of the feature this article once again has got you covered.

When setting up a facebook shop, you must link a valid payment option to your facebook shop account. This can either be a bank account or another valid source of payment. Even after setting up the shop you can also edit your payment options and settings.

How to Set Up a Facebook Store

Know that before you can add PayPal as a payment option to your shop you need to set up a facebook store. Setting up a facebook store is easy but you also need the technical know-how to accomplish this. Below are guided steps to follow when setting up a facebook store.
Click on the add section tab under your facebook page cover photo.
Click on the add shop section on the next page.
Start setting up your shop details like name and others.
Now you will have to set up your payment options. This is where PayPal comes in to play. On this very settings page do well to set PayPal as your payment option.
Start adding products to your store or shop.
Next step is configuring your shipping options and shop settings.
Manage orders.

And that’s it you are done with setting up a Facebook shop or store.
How to Add PayPal as Payment Option to a Facebook Shop

If you have already created the facebook shop or store, you can also change your payment options to PayPal. To do this, simply follow the steps below;
on your shop go to the shop management section.
on the next page click on the shop balance option.
click on edit to change existing payment options.
on the next page make sure to change the settings to PayPal.

That’s all you need to make PayPal your payment options on your facebook store. Make sure you click on save changes after you are done so as not to lose the changes done to your facebook store payment options.
Facebook Store PayPal – Set Up a Facebook Store  Facebook Store PayPal – Set Up a Facebook Store Reviewed by A.EJE on 01:55 Rating: 5

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